static projects router_fig compare fibre_router2

A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet. Data sent through the internet, such as a web page or email, is in the form of data packets. A packet is typically forwarded from one router to another router through the networks that constitute an internetwork (e.g. the Internet) until it reaches its destination node.1

First IN First OUT


  • In this FIFO is of length 9-bits width and 16 locations of depth, means the FIFO has a memory size of 16x9. The FIFO works on the system clock and is reset from synchronous active LOW reset.

Port listing of FIFO:

Port Type Description
clock input clock signal
resetn input active-low reset pin
we input write enable pin
re input read enable pin
soft_rst input soft reset
lfd_state input active high on load first data
data_in input 8-bit input data
full output High when data is written into FIFO register
empty output High when FIFO register is empty
data_out output 8-bit output data

List of ports for Router FIFO

Block Diagram for FIFO

Block Diagram diagram for Router FIFO

Timing Analysis for FIFO

Timing wave diagram for Router FIFO

Router Synchronizer

Ports for Synchronizer:

Port Type Description
detect_add input used to select FIFO till a packet routing is over for the selected FIFO.
data_in input used to select FIFO till a packet routing is over for the selected FIFO.
we_reg input generate output write enable signal for the FIFO
clock input clock signal for the synchronizer
resetn output internal reset signal for the synchronizer
vld_out_0 output HIGH when ~empty_0
vld_out_1 output HIGH when ~empty_1
vld_out_2 input HIGH when ~empty_2
re_0 input read enable signal for FIFO_0
re_1 input read enable signal for FIFO_1
re_2 input read enable signal for FIFO_2
empty_0 input empty indicator for FIFO 0
empty_1 input empty indicator for FIFO 1
empty_2 input empty indicator for FIFO 2
full_0 output full signal indication for FIFO_0
full_1 output full signal indication for FIFO_1
full_2 output full signal indication for FIFO_2
fifo_full output equals to full_0 when data_in = 2’b00, full_1 when data_in = 2’b01, full_2 when data_in = 2’b10 else fifo_full =0.
soft_reset_0 input for FIFO 0. HIGH if re_0 is not asserted in 30 clock cycles of vld_out_0 being asserted.
soft_reset_1 input for FIFO 1. HIGH if re_2 is not asserted in 30 clock cycles of vld_out_1 being asserted.
soft_reset_2 input for FIFO 2. HIGH if re_2 is not asserted in 30 clock cycles of vld_out_2 being asserted.
write_enb output write enable signal for writing into FIFO

: List of ports for the Router Synchronizer


This module provides synchronization between router FSM and router FIFO modules. It provides faithful communication between the single input port and three output ports.

Block Diagram for Synchronizer

Block diagram for router synchronizer

Timing Analysis for Synchronizer

Wave diagram for router synchronizer

Finite State Machine (FSM)


The FSM module is the controller circuit for the ROUTER. This module generates all the control signals when a new packet is received in order to transfer the packet to the output port.

Port Listing for Router FSM:

Port Type
data_in input
clock input
resetn input
pkt_valid input
parity_done input
fifo_full input
soft_reset_0 input
soft_reset_1 input
soft_reset_2 input
low_pkt_valid input
fifo_empty_0 input
fifo_empty_1 input
fifo_empty_2 input
reg busy output
write_enb_reg output
reg detect_add output
full_state output
lfd_state output
ld_state output
laf_state output
reg rst_int_reg output

: List of ports for Router FSM

Block Diagram for Router FSM

Block diagram for FSM

Timing Analysis for Router FSM

Waveform diagram for FSM


Port Listing for Refister:

Port Type
clock input
resetn input
pkt_valid input
data_in input
fifo_full input
rst_int_re input
detect_add input
full_state input
ld_state input
laf_state input
lfd_state input
parity_done output
low_pkt_valid output
err output
dout output

List of ports for Router Register

Block Diagram for Register

Block diagram for Register


Timing Analysis for Register

Waveform diagram for Register

Router Top

Port Listing for Router Top:

Port Type Descriopion
clock input Clock signal
resetn input Active low reset
pkt_valid input Packet valid signal
data_in input 8-bit Input data
read_enbw input read enable pin
data_out0 output 8-bit data of FIFO-1
data_out1 output 8-bit data of FIFO-2
data_out2 output 8-bit data of FIFO-3
busy output busy signal
err output error signal
vld_out_0 output valid out for FIFO-1
vld_out_1 output valid out for FIFO-2
vld_out_2 output valid out for FIFO-3

: List of ports for Router Top

Block Diagram for Router Top

Block diagram for router top


Flow Summary

Flow Summary


Analysis & Synthesis Resource Usage Summary:

Resource Usage Summary


Post-Synthesis Netlist for Top Partition

Post-Synthesis Netlist for Top Partition


Timing Analysis for Router Top

  • We shall be sending a data of 16 bytes and verify then receive it from FIFO-1. Also, I have disabled other two FIFO for this case.
  • Router Top Timing Analysis

Router Top Testbench

Router Top DUT

  • We can see that FIFO-1 has faithfully reproduced the input data to the output.

Router Top DUT (Image-1)

Router Top DUT (Image-2)

Conclusion: The router is simulated and synthesized successfully.